In all honesty, finals haven't been too painful this semester. Maybe I'm just a better student now that I'm home from my mission, maybe I honestly took easier classes (doubtful), or maybe I've finally got this college thing figured out ( hope so! I started at BYU in Fall of 2005!).
Amidst the studying and finals, the best parts of my day are when I get to walk by this:

I love the blossom smell in the spring. Sometimes I just have to stop and take a couple deep breaths because I know it's only going to last a short while.
Which got me thinking about the finer things of life.
The "small" things I am grateful for today:
-lots of hot water in the shower in my apartment
-Cafe Rio (guilty face)
-Doing homework in the sunshine
-Flip Flops
-Getting Wedding Invites from my friends
-My Mission president's wife called to check up
On a related note. Check out this blog It's 1000 things of Awesomeness. Pretty Cool!