Saturday, April 26, 2008
Back in the House with the Yellow Kitchen
Wedding Receptions for people in the ward-NOT optional
It's inevitable, parents will wait until the first week you're back to sign up to clean the ward house on Saturday morning.
Free Food, all the time :)
Practicing musical instruments begins at 6:30 am
Bedtime- 10:30 = Heaven
11 year old soccer games-also NOT optional
Mom's friends know more about your personal life than YOU do. *Awkward*
Did I mention free food?
You think more about your friends than when you were actually with them
"Free room and Board" is a misconception; payment is in the form of your employment as a chauffeur, cook, personal tutor etc.
Oh yeah, and uh, free food.
Monday, April 21, 2008
One is Silver and the Other Gold.....
Last night I went to the last Jerusalem reunion before everyone leaves for the summer, and people graduate, get married, go on missions, etc. Never mind that the slide show ended up being an HOUR long (heh, yeah, probably the only person who’d be willing to sit through that with me again would be Mom) I got hit with an overwhelming wave of nostalgia. I’m really going to miss everyone. It was with that group of friends that I really learned about pure compassionate service, and the importance of striving for a Zion-like community. I have been so fortunate to have known each and everyone of them, and can honestly say they have all taught me something beneficial for my self improvement.
As I embark on my mission I am sure to gain new friends-companions, service couples, tourists, church members. I look forward to gleaning more light and knowledge from them. How lucky am I that I will get to learn from and form new friendships with such a wide variety of people!
Let me not forget to mention the wonderful consistant friends that help me through the monotony and stress of everyday life. I feel so blessed because although this semester has been stressful, it has been from the labors of good fruit. I know more people on campus this semester more than any other. I feel like I have failed many of them because I don’t have the time to nurish every friendship like I would like to, but I hope that I have been able at least to convey my gratitude in knowing them. It is these people who truly deserve my biggest thanks. What have I done to be so fortunate?
So, to all of you, my wonderful friends of the past, present, and future, (this includes my relatives of course, because you all have been and will continue to be my longest lived and eternal friends) thank you.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom

Well Mom, I'm not sure you remember how to check this, or that I even have a blog, but on the day of your birth I've decided to post 10 Things that I love about you. I won't be able to be there for dinner tonight when we all go around the table and tell you in person, but I hope this will do (especially considering I'm saying 10 things, not 3!)
Ten Things I Love About Mom
1- Extremely Creative: I never had to worry about what a good campaign slogan might be, or how I should answer/ask to a dance because Mom always had the best ideas.
2-Patient: considering how much Mom had to put up with from me through the years, it's amazing she's stuck with it, and continues to stick with it still after all the grief her children cause...:)
3-A Spiritual Beacon: Yes, I chose these words carefully, because this is exactly what she is. She shares light with all who know her.
4-Witty: Unfortunately this desirable character trait did not pass to her oldest daughter, but Mom can make anyone laugh. She's clever, AND she does it without making fun of anything or putting anyone down, now that's something I really admire.
5- Great Cook: The only thing I craved in Jerusalem more than Cafe Rio was mom's homecookin'. She spends a LOT of her time in the kitchen making us healthy meals, and what's more is that they taste really good!
6-Ability to put things in perspective: Mom is a really great objective listener, she can see the solution before she knows the problem. Why do you think I need to call her everyday?
7-Fast Learner: I'm so proud because mom has now mastered the art of text messaging! Also, when I give her fashion advice not only does she listen, but she remembers, so next time she can do it on her own! Well done mom.
8-Gentle/Sensitive Nature: Anyone who knows Mom knows how soft hearted she is. When she has to do something or tell you something hard she agonizes over it before hand for fear of hurting feelings. Everything is delicately put (unless I need a good swift kick, which is probably more often deserved than I actually receive) and only said out of the kindest and most innocent of intentions.
9-Takes Care of her Physical Body: I don't know any other woman who is in better shape than my mom. This is something I admire and am trying to emulate. She REALLY cares about her body and not only uses it well, but feeds it well.
10-Selfless: Her religion, her husband, her children, her friends, always come before herself. So many times she has been there for me when it's been an inconvenient time for her, lets me wear her clothes, take HER car (cause let's face it, I really don't like driving the "Vanimal"). What can I say, she's great.
Well, that's the list. Mom, I hope you have a happy birthday.
"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."-Abraham Lincoln
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I thought I’d try something new today. Instead of thinking of something cleaver to write about, I thought I’d give you an update on what is going on in my life, after all, that is what MOST people use their blogs for, right?
I suppose it’s a good thing my camera is broken and I cannot post pictures because all you would see is photos of the BYU library. Yes, I have taken up residence there. Finals are fast approaching (2 weeks!) and I spend most of my awake hours there. Things I am trying to complete:
Conference Paper on the Scarlet Letter
Paper on Neo-Post Feminism through the movie Chocolat
Term Paper of American Theory and Method on the movie
Regular American Lit reading assignments
Not to mention a Theory, Lit, and Church History Final to start studying for…
As fascinating as this all sounds, I do manage to get some rare moments of “fun” in.
This winter I participated in both doubles and singles Tennis intramurals. Doubles went well, and singles… well, I’m out by now. It was great fun though, and for just coming out of retirement for 3 ½ years, I did pretty well.
My roommate move out mid-February to get married and I now have my own bedroom for the first time in 8 years—Heavenly.
I went ice blocking for the first time EVER last Saturday. I got a little bruised, but finally got the hang of it and walked away without any grass stains.
I got the subject assignment for my farewell talk on May 18 (okay, this wasn’t a moment of “fun”, but it is an event of note).
And finally, this really has nothing to do with anything, but, I found out that in Disney’s Pocahontas Mel Gibson is the voice of John Smith, singing and everything! Cool.
P.S. Congratulations to cousin Michael who got his mission call to