Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ph. D., M.D., D.M.D.....?

What is it that makes a professor a great teacher? Certainly not their degree or the amount of initials after their last name, oh no, that is most definitely not it. I was sitting in my American Studies Theory and Methodologies (daunting, I know, but it's actually a really great class) listening to my teacher delve deeper into the modern and past minds of the twentieth century and thinking "wow, you know, this guy really gets it, and he cares enough to make sure we understand it". I not only love that class because of our small number, or my professor's dry wit, but because we discuss theological things that actually matter! We do our best to get to the heart of an issue, picking it apart, piece by piece until we are left with fragmented ideas and concepts that are all independently important and then explore their impact on society. Then it hit me. What makes a professor a great teacher is his/her passion. It is blatantly obvious to the student when a lecturer is either indifferent to the subject matter or simply is not engaged enough to give class their full attention. I admit there are just some professors that do not have a flare for social performance, but if they love their subject, and love the students, they will stop at nothing to convey to the importance of their passion.
I have been lucky this semester, I have only one class where I do not think the professor is a great teacher (and even then, I think he likes the subject, just really rusty at teaching it). My favorite teacher of the semester: Prof. Kerry Soper. My favorite teacher of my BYU experience: Prof. Carl Sederholm. Both were outstanding lecturers, got the class involved, listened to opinions with an understanding and open ear, and ( I hardly need mention) were down right hilarious.
I have been contemplating a career in academia, and this subject troubles me greatly. How do I successfully convey my passion to the student? What is their secret? I am too tired to think tonight. Suggestions perhaps?
Oh, and I need to put in a little plug here, American Studies is BY FAR the best major (to all you cousins still wondering what major to adopt, to those who already graduated-you missed your shot). :)

I feel like that was a harsh note to end on, perhaps a uplifting quote will soften the blow...

"He has not discovered the secret of life who does not every day surmount a fear"
RW Emerson

1 comment:

Gee Vee said...

I think a great teacher has a rich understanding of the subject matter, excellent communication skills, and then needs one of two loves: love of students and/or love of the subject. Good to have both.