Monday, March 31, 2008

A Blog about Blogging

I wish I was a talented writer. It has been reasoned that I SHOULD be a relatively good writer, considering how much I read. Wrong. Very wrong. Oh sure, papers, resumes, articles, whatever. No, I’m talking about creative writing—poems, shorts stories, letters, an interesting blog etc. The world of blogging is fascinating. My mother comments often about how my generation is so self-oriented, that in her day people would never think to publish their day-to-day life on something as public as the internet. As if people were interested in reading it! Well Mom, who knew? I have concluded that it’s really only those bloggers that are interested in reading on another’s blogs. Is there some sort of unwritten agreement? “I’ll read yours if you read mine?” I certainly never read anyone’s blog until I got one of my own, now it’s become some what of a weekly ritual, how I keep up with relatives and friends. I will say this though, it’s a relatively harmless, if impersonal, way of keeping in touch. Which leads me to my next point—blogging, facebooking (yup, it’s a verb now), emailing, are such a cop out for nourishing relationships, yet society, now more than ever, deems it not only acceptable, but encouraged! How many times have I been texting someone and heard my Dad say,

“Why don’t you just call him, wouldn’t it be faster and more personal?”

*I gasp in horror!*

“Dad, no! Then he’ll KNOW that I like him…..”

Okay, back to the subject at hand. Blogging. Weird electronic universe. Impersonal. Well, not always. Ironically enough I have some friends who share their thoughts, goals, aspirations on their blog, yet when we actually get together, they are not so open. Yes, this makes perfect sense; share your deep feelings with all of the cyber world, but don’t let anyone real know. Maybe I’ll do a term paper on this….

And the sad reality of it all is that by writing this blog, I’m condemning myself of that which I accuse of others. Where does the twisted cycle end?! Not to mention that reading back over this I have questioned this entire entry as a whole. It has virtually nothing to do with my thesis statement about becoming a good writer (strike one). Thesis statement? Did I just say that? It’s a good thing I’m leaving on a mission in 7 weeks (yes the countdown has begun), I need to detox from school, too many hours in the library….. And thus ends my blog about learning to write an interesting blog. Oh dear, I’m further away than I thought…….

It’s amazing what can “flow” when you’re trying to avoid doing homework while in the library.

One final note (an attempt at redeeming this entry): A friend and I figured out today that you can play the song “Anything for Love” By Meatloaf, 5 times in an hour—a solution for the endless roadtrip… :)


Andrew and Ariel said...

Very thought-provoking Liz. Our solution is that I write about Ariel, Ariel writes about me, and we both write about other people. Of course, the ultimate solution will come to pass in June, when all blogs, facebook pics, e-mails, and videos will be centered around little Huckleberry Marshall.
It's too bad you've created this interesting blog right before the mission!

Liz Heywood said...

excellent solution, however, I have no significant other to write about yet. That one is just going to have to wait.....