Thursday, February 25, 2010


I woke up this morning very disappointed. I had had this AMAZING experience (in my dream) and I remember consciously thinking, "wow, this would make a GREAT blog post, I can't wait to tell people about it!". And then I woke up.
I decided to write about it anyway.
I was at home recently (last night har!) when my mother asked me to go into her room to grab her hairbrush. I walked in and discovered some rather large (about 4-5 inches long) fuzzy caterpillars. Not just any caterpillars, red and green caterpillars whose heads resembled a shiny reflective silver "shooter" marble. Perturbed by the creatures I went back into the kitchen to grab a tupperware container so that I may dispose of them outside. When I returned to the room they had multiplied faster than rabbits. Instead of a few, there were now dozens!!! I filled the container and dumped them outside my front door. One particularly stubborn caterpillar refused to let go of the bottom of the container. Lifting it above my head to more clearly see the belligerent creature, I gave the container a serious hit and the caterpillar fell into my mouth! I continued foaming at the mouth long after I had spit it out and was thoroughly disgusted. All the while thinking, "Wow, this would make a great blog post"....

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I Felt Pretty Cool...

I awoke this morning to a lovely surprise. I had three new emails (this is not the surprise, that there were 3 that is), two of which were from other MTC teachers both asking for subs today. Alright, even though I technically can't sub for them yet, because YESTERDAY was my first day of work, it did make me feel pretty special that I actually received the email. And the best part....One of the emails was from MY mtc teacher! Cool!
I love my new job. After I walked out after 5 hours of training yesterday I was utterly exhausted! I felt like crying (but didn't!) because I had just had a serious emotional workout. I was overwhelmed (by all the new info.), I felt the spirit a lot, and I was SO excited (I grinned the ENTIRE time).
This next week I will do a lot of shadowing and then I get my first district on Wednesday and I start teaching them by myself one week from today. ONE week, that's it.
I'm excited/nervous/overwhelmed, but mostly excited!

Friday, February 12, 2010

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

Rather than ramble off an apology and excuse as to WHY I haven't visited my own blog for the past two months, I thought I would write something I bit more enjoyable.
Generally, I am a pretty happy person. I find so many thing in life that give me joy. Here are a couple of the current things that I love:

Garlic-Lime Salsa (from Walmart) & Cottage Cheese with Chips
Catching Fire By Suzanne Collins
My new job working at the MTC (started today!)
American Idol (guilty face)
Phoenix weather (and a couple more things about phoenix...)
Personal Finance Class (yes, it makes me happy)
Overheard @ BYU -it's a facebook thing