Friday, February 12, 2010

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

Rather than ramble off an apology and excuse as to WHY I haven't visited my own blog for the past two months, I thought I would write something I bit more enjoyable.
Generally, I am a pretty happy person. I find so many thing in life that give me joy. Here are a couple of the current things that I love:

Garlic-Lime Salsa (from Walmart) & Cottage Cheese with Chips
Catching Fire By Suzanne Collins
My new job working at the MTC (started today!)
American Idol (guilty face)
Phoenix weather (and a couple more things about phoenix...)
Personal Finance Class (yes, it makes me happy)
Overheard @ BYU -it's a facebook thing

1 comment:

Celeste said...

you have a mac?! hurray! love it!